WMD Law Group News: June 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jackie Dixon Sworn In as President of the Tennessee Bar Association

Nashville lawyer Jacqueline B. Dixon took office as the Tennessee Bar Association's 130th president at the association's annual convention in Memphis today. After being sworn into office by Tennessee Supreme Court Chief Justice Connie Clark, Dixon laid out her vision for the year, which will include a focus on civics education, civility in the profession, pro bono efforts and working to preserve an impartial judiciary. "I love our profession and I love being a lawyer," she said, adding that when she started practicing she didn't have to worry about school debt and finding a job like recent graduates do. She introduced a mentoring initiative that will coordinate with programs already available and encouraged lawyers to consider reaching out to a new lawyer. She also said she would work to help improve the image of lawyers "by making us visible. It will take all of us to change how people see us."
[Read the entire article on the Tennessee Bar Association website]



Serving the Legal Needs of Clients Across Tennessee and the Commonwealth of Kentucky in State, Federal and Appellate Courts

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